My Own Drama Coursework

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My Own Drama

In drama I had studied three different plays which are 'Romeo & Juliet', 'A Taste Of Honey' and 'Saved'. For my performance I had to take out stimulus, themes and ideas from the plays I've studied and put it into my piece of drama. My play was mostly focused on the play 'Saved' so I took out the issue of teenage pregnancy, the abuse of a child and the prison scene. I used the issue of teenage pregnancy and crime between teenagers as my starting point because of the fact that these issues are the most ones that increase these days but none of the teenagers are being informed about these.

The aim of my drama was actually to be able to inform the audience on the issues and show them …show more content…

The message that I wanted to send out to my audience was to show them the teenage relationships often ends with teenage pregnancy and how serious this issue is. Also to allow them to think the consequences and the effect that the crime they cause could have on people they know such as their family members or friends of someone who has been killed. For this I have shown a death scene of a baby to allow them to see the true side of were they all living in now.

My drama will be performed in a drama studio/class in the drama department in my school. The reason being why I chose this particular venue is that the act of drama I will be doing is based in my school and it is easier for me to access because it is were I had practiced my scenes and also I have lights and sound available.

My target audience were a class of yr 7's in my school. I have chosen particularly yr 7's as my target audience because to allow them to see were they are living in now and the issues of teenage relationship and crime for them to see and know about these before it's late for them.

Section 2

CREATING MY …show more content…

We all worked as a big group in rehearsals and put in the effort. Any one who wanted to make any changes could give out the idea and by group voting we choose weather if we shall use that change or not. Group discussed changes all together and to do this at times to times we all sat in a circle and have conversations about these changes. Group rehearsals begin after when we all sit in the beginnings of the lesson have a quick conversation about the play, roles and changes. It then ends were we all sit back together and have another conversation about how it was and if any changes shall happen or keep it the same and then the rehearsals ends. If any changed shall happen the we stop the rehearsal and sit in a group again and talk about it then we write it down and go over it by acting it out several times back in rehearsals.

Final Section


My final products has matched my original ideas even though there was some changes been made. For this part of drama because it was the first coursework I ever had in drama I tried my best and done the best I could to achieve a good level. The rehearsals really worked well

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