My Literate Person

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Some people are literate, and some less than others. My father is much less literate than my mother. That is why she always helps me with my spelling when I am writing papers. I am a terrible speller and having ADHD doesn’t make it any better. As well as my mother, several other teachers have helped me along the way with both reading and writing. I have always had a hard time spelling words, even the little words like “children” or “something”. When I spell the word children I have to say it in my head a certain way, otherwise I will spell it wrong. My mother is excellent at spelling, because when she was in elementary school, her teacher made her write the dictionary during recess if she did something wrong. My mother is not just good for spelling, she is also good for making other corrections like punctuation marks, she knows what is appropriate to say and write at the proper times. I can always depend on her to help me when I need her. …show more content…

She helped expand my vocabulary to words like independent and dependent clauses, phrases, clichés, and symbolism, among other things. Mrs. Jamadi also taught us when it is proper to use who, whom, and whose. We also did a lot of work with commas in her class. She taught us when to commas and when not to use commas. Mrs. Jamadi was also the first person to introduce me to MLA format. I had never written in MLA format at any other school in the states. Mrs. Jamadi also taught us how to write a proper paragraph. In her class I learned about Shakespeare. I learned when he was born and when he died. I learned that he invented around 1,700 words in the English language. Another thing Mrs. Jamadi taught us was Iambic Pentameter and along with the Iambic Pentameter I, as well as other students, had to recite one of Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Mrs. Jamadi was very helpfully on my long

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