My Interview to a Lutheran

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For this interview paper I wasn't sure who I was going to interview at first. I was thinking of all of the religious places of worship in my home town of Sheboygan, but I wanted to interview someone I knew. So I decided to interview my roommate. I've known him since sixth grade, and he is a Lutheran. I was raised a Catholic and I had a lot of friends who were Lutheran. When I was a kid I really didn't think any differently about it, but now for this paper I get to interview a friend and see what his religion is all about and what he thinks.
I asked him first about what his religion was about, like a little summary about it. It all started with Martin Luther and his 95 Theses that he posted on a Church's door. What his Theses talked about were his problems with the Catholic Church. His biggest issues were with how the sacraments were used in the church and how the church is run. It was Martin Luther's Theses that started off the whole Protestant Reformation as well.
After talking a bit about what the religion was about and how it started, I started asking him some other questions. ...

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