My Father: The Most Influence Of My Life

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When you are little, you seem to think that everything and everyone around you is invincible. It 's not until you 're older and something significant happens that you realize that nothing in life is forever. It wasn 't until I was 16 that I truly understood this concept. Sure I had had people close to me die, like my great-grandmother, for instance, but they were never as close to me as my father is. Even though he may not think it, my father is one of the biggest influences in my life. We’re super similar in personality, and that causes us to butt heads and constantly argue, so he thinks that I don’t like him as much as my mom. He gets me interested in a lot of the same things that he’s interested in, like outer space, magic tricks, and reading. …show more content…

It turned out that there was fluid building up in his lungs, so he was practically drowning. Once they drained the fluid, the Emergency Room declared he had Pneumonia. After that, he was transferred to Oakland Regional Hospital. There he was given medicine to treat his illness. It wasn 't until after they realized that medicine wasn 't working, they gave my dad more tests. After being in the hospital for about half a week, they discovered that he had Endocarditis. An infection where bacteria builds up, usually in your mouth, and gets into your bloodstream, and then attaches onto the walls of the heart and breaks down the lining. Because of this, his heart was starting to deteriorate, so the doctor decided they were going to have to put in a fake valve. I remember sitting by my dad 's bedside at the hospital, worried if he was going to make it out of this. I recall looking over at him, wondering if he was in any pain from the thick, transparent tube going down his throat that was supplying him with oxygen. I ask him, "Do you think that everything will be alright? What if something goes bad and you get hurt worse or

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