My Experience When Taking Online Courses

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In the past of the years technology has advanced and it affords us the opportunity to conduct classes online. Although this is not an easy decision, it is another way of studying when you need to work. At college level attending classes is important, but with new technology taking classes online is easier than it sounds. Regardless of the fact that technology helps a lot you need to possess some skills for you to succeed in online courses. Communication may be one of the most vital skills you need, without leaving any other with less importance.
First of all, you as a student in High School are used to have other subjects, easier works, and less responsibility. In college, you need to be more responsible and know perfectly the due dates, when taking a course online is the same; you need to submit the work before the due date with no excuses. Any teacher will tolerate or accept any work submitted after the due date. Although responsibility is one of the hardest skills to get, it is one of the most important skills you must have when taking online courses and in life. In my opinion, communication is the most important skill for online courses. Having a good communication with your teachers may be hard because they are only available at one hour in different days. Despite the fact that writing is a good way to communicate, it is not the best way because you as a student may see something or ask for something and the teacher may see another. Having good writing would help you to communicate better with any other person either a classmate or a teacher.
On the same way, patience is an important ability you must develop. In online courses, you’re studying almost alone and being patient is important in courses like mathematics, where you need to interpret problems and operations which may be severe. Having patience is not the only ability you must upgrade. Abilities like being organized and being adept at planning would help you if you are not patient. These two abilities would help you because organizing your work before the due date would help you if you didn't understand the lesson. Having more time would help you see better without losing your patience. Although organizing is important, planning is the way you organize most of your work. Planning your day would help you get free time and have some distractions when getting stressed at your classes.

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