My Defining Moment Essay

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The taste of her lips was still fresh in my mouth, her soft whispers still rang in my ears, her touch still caressed me, and the fresh fragrance of her body pressed against mine still lingered on my skin. As I drove, all I could see was us, wrapped against each other in the quilted fabric of the white blanket in that hotel room.
I was beaming from inside reflecting on how my life had turned upside down in the past one year. It was a result of her unwavering love for me and I knew it. She made me forget those ghastly years I had to endure as I was growing up - climbing those stages of adolescence.
I was glad at the change that had come for me. I didn't wake up from nightmares in the middle of the night, I didn't find myself stranded in the middle of a conversation - particularly when I was conversing with her and most importantly, I didn't search for a vacuum to empty things going on inside my head. I could be me without masking my scars, realities or inabilities and that empowered me. …show more content…

In the darkest and deepest corners of our mind, all times converge but in essence, they never meet. If I could ask God for a superpower, it would be to control the time. Pause those moments and days when time flies and days when it crawls like a snail, make it a speeding hare.
Time is made up of those shiny streaks of light and indistinct, dark shadows. You have no idea which side it will face which makes it the most

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