My Crucible Experience

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Everyone has faced a severe decision. My experience was an intense crucible that challenged my inner strength. My crucible occurred on a banal day; I was not aware my inner strength would be questioned. I was walking home from school; it was an autumn day of my freshman year. I was walking home with my two close friends, Jennifer and Brittany. We had gone to elementary school together and have been friends for over ten years. Over the years we developed different interests. We met new friends and joined various clubs and sports. Nevertheless, our walks home together remained the same. During one of our walks, we were laughing at a silly joke Jennifer had made. Abruptly, Brittany pulled something out of her bag. I quickly realized it was marijuana; Brittany lit the marijuana and began to smoke it. Soon enough, she passed it to Jennifer. Jennifer gave me a look of hesitation, but she raised the marijuana to her lips and took a puff. At this point, I realized how much high school had changed my childhood friends. I could picture the days of childhood innocence as if they were yesterday. Images of those innocent days vanished as Jennifer offered the marijuana to me. Brittany and Jennifer insisted that I try it; they …show more content…

All of the sudden, a decision rested on my shoulders. At first, there was zero chance of me trying the marijuana. I have always viewed drugs in a negative light. However, after listening to my close friends talk about the sensational feelings marijuana gave, I felt compelled to expand my comfort zone. Jennifer smiled at me when I raised the drug to my mouth. Suddenly, I remembered my firm opinion against marijuana. I realized by smoking the marijuana I was not following my values. My decision did not deter Brittany or Jennifer; they continued to smoke as we walked home. Finally, after almost an hour of refusing the marijuana, I arrived at my house and slammed the door on my drugged

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