My Christian Experience

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Muslims do believe that Jesus Christ did exist and he was the son of Virgin Mary. Unlike Christians, they do not believe that Jesus died and they do not believe in the resurrection. Virgin Mary was a very important figure for both Christianity and Islam. Christians, believe she was the mother of Jesus while Muslims consider Mary as the the best woman God ever created whom is free of all sins. Both religions require daily prayer and believe in some of the important figures though they have different perception of them. To conclude, Christianity is one of the largest religions in the world with over 2.1 billion followers while Islam is the second largest with 1.5 billion followers. My experience while visiting the mosque was a unique experience. …show more content…

The mosque had a kitchen where they prepared meals for people who had no food. I thought that was very kind of them to do. The people there were very nice and sweet and would help with any question that I had. They guided me through my experience in the mosque and made my experience easier than I thought it would be. The people who worked there were very entitled to new followers. I noticed that the people who were praying would not answer anyone and would turn their heads either left than right to show that they are finished with their prayer. In the prayer room, there were Qurans everywhere along the walls. Since I was a visitor I did not have to clean myself while there for prayer which most people must do. Outside the prayer room you would see people talking and greeting each other in Arabic langue. As a visitor, I was not supposed to laugh or talk loudly nor was I to disrespect anyone there. The people there were very welcoming and kind and guide me through my experience in the mosque. They told me to not hold back any questions and to freely ask them if I had any questions regarding their beliefs and rituals. While I was there a Caucasian guy was giving a speech, and telling the people there that terrorism does not define us and that terrorists are not of Muslim religion but instead are people who envy the name of

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