My Best Friend Moriah

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When asked to talk about someone who was influential in my life there are many people who come to mind. However, there is one that stands out in particular above everyone else, who has helped me through the past four years of my life in a number of aspects. This person is my closest friend, with whom I trust my life. Her name is Moriah, and the story of how we became friends, as well as how she affected my life, is one that I currently hold, and will continue to hold, very closely to my heart. It is in my opinion one of the most important parts of my life thus far, and without her there for me I do not believe I would have been the same person that I am today.

When she and I met, I had just turned fifteen just a few months before. It was during a point at which I did not have many friends, and the ones I did have, I didn't really trust. At the time I was suffering from crippling social anxiety, which made meeting and talking to people, or even going out in crowded areas, incredibly difficult for me. It is for this reason that at the time of our meeting I felt what I can only describ...

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