Music's Effects On Music And Anxiety

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Chapter Two
Review of Literature Music plays an important part in everyone’s life. The way a person perceives the music allows for them to be affected by it in several ways but most importantly, it changes their emotions. Many people say that music has no importance to the change of a person’s mood when in reality it has a great effect on it. Depending on the mood that someone is in, will determine the type of music they will listen to. Generally, if someone is happy they will listen to lively music. When someone is sad they will listen to mellow music. Music has been proven to be an influence to an individual’s mood (Sydney, 2013). Effect of music refers to how music enhances the person’s emotions and permits for those emotions to be altered
Anxiety had negative connotations and seemed to be a problem for music performers, both group and individual. Individual performers showed to have higher anxiety levels than those that performed in a group. The musical genre in which each individual specialized in gave them the most anxiety. This shows how the type of music that someone listens to can change their emotions depending on the type that it is. Personal preference of the music that was being listened to showed a big impact on the effect it was giving. As hypothesized by many researchers, the connection to personal preference affected the anxiety levels indirectly. When subjects were asked to listen to a certain genre they weren’t so fond of, their mindset changed and they became frustrated by having to listen to a song they did no prefer. A study conducted over this subject showed that it wasn’t the type of music that the person was listening to that changed their mood, but more along the lines of how much they preferred the song. When an individual prefers a song, many times that is tied into memories that get triggered which cause for the change in emotions. Memories tend to be connected to emotions and how a person feels. If a person is reminded of a sad memory due to a song, this will make them feel sad. Although, it doesn’t mean that the song itself made the person feel down. On the
People are frustrated and overwhelmed way beyond control that they are going mad. With school, work, and personal issues it all builds up and anxiety comes to form. With these researches it would be imperative to spread to the community and have them know all the different kinds of solutions that common problems that many people share have. Anxiety is also one of the most common scholarly related problems found in teens. With testing and grades to worry about, they tend to let everything gather up and they end up being stressed. When a teenager in undergoing difficult times, it’s important that they know the solution to their problems because most of the time they will just give up and have everything pile up. Teenagers are not as experienced and are not good at problem solving as adults tend to be. This is because of the lack of personal experience to overcome certain obstacles. Personal experience although does allow individuals of all ages to determine whether they find something familiar or

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