Music Drama And Music Essay

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Wagner believed in the unity of drama and music, that the two arts share a connected expression of a single dramatic idea. "10Poetry, scenic, design, staging, action, and music work together to form what he called a Gesamtkunstwerk (total or collective artwork)."
Wagner had a vision for music and dramatic text which he called music drama, although he himself later rejected the term and decided to call his music opera, drama or Bühnenfestpiel (festival stage play). And within one of he's essay he suggested the phrase 'acts of music made visible.'
Wagner believed that the core of the drama was in the music and other arts make it apparent. "11The orchestra conveys the inner aspect of drama, while the sung words articulate the outer aspect". The events and situations that emphasized …show more content…

"15He accomplished this in part though large scale key strictest and associative tonality within the 'music drama'. The action of the music drama would unfold in a way that evoked the timelessness of myth, taking its shape within the kind of the spectator under the influence of the particles streaming by, endlessly associated and reassociated by the events depicted or described."
Wagner's earlier Romantic consisted out of small reminiscence of motifs and in his music drama he wanted to create something far larger and interrelated. He called the new particles 'Hauptthemen (main themes) or Grundthemen (fundamental themes) but are best know was Leitmotives (leading motifs).' "16A Leitmotif is usually far shorter than what is typically meant by a full-fledged theme, and some are really atomic particles- a mere turn of phrase, a chord progression, even a single chord or, at their most minimal, a single interval. Earlier reminiscence motifs had served a dramatic

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