Music Crucial Day-To-Day

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Is Music Crucial Day to Day?

Music has been an influential part of society for many years. Music has both touched me deeply and just felt devoid of meaning in my life, as if all it did was distract me and hinder my progress toward my goals. Music is both necessary and unnecessary to day to day life. I depend on it not to feel emotions, but to amplify emotions that I’m already feeling. For example, if I’m happy, I’ll put on a happy playlist if I’m feeling that specific set of songs. To enhance how I’m feeling. It can help me be a more productive person later on in the day, and obviously it feels good to find that song that conveys exactly how you feel. It’s a good way to express yourself. But, it’s not always necessary. Sometimes I feel music can hinder how I’m feeling. I have to be feeling a specific type of way to have the emotions enhanced by a song or playlist. For example, if I’m feeling neither happy nor sad, just neutral, there’s not really a song that conveys that emotion. It would be a boring song. However, sometimes that’s just how I feel. If I can’t find the right song or playlist, it doesn’t feel right. Like I’m forcing myself to feel a certain way by listening to the song or playlist just so I can listen to it. However, as with any opinion, there is an opposing view. …show more content…

I just don’t think it’s natural. If I was sad, and forced myself to be happy, the sadness would just come back later and I’d still feel it. Possibly more so than earlier. Covering your real emotions by making yourself feel differently is not good for you in the long run. They will always come back eventually, maybe even stronger than they were before. In my opinion, this is part of the reason many teenagers are in a depressed mood a lot of the time. If they let themselves feel the emotion, and let it pass, they might feel better later and in the long run, be

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