Music And Music: The Influence Of Music On The Brain

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Music has been said to affect a persons brain in many ways. It is said to change someone's mood in an instant. It has also been known to influence someone's lifestyle and attitude just by listening to one song. Music is universal and there is a style for everyone no matter how different people maybe. It is an outlet for creativity and motivation. Music moves people in so many ways and can help people through anything. Almost everyone enjoys music and it is a force that brings people together. A song can reach out to anyone in any situation and the person connects with the notes and lyrics. If someone is sad they can listen to a sad song and know that someone else understands them and that they will turn out alright just like the singer. Sometimes if a person is happy they can listen to a song that expresses just how they feel and they become even happier when listening to this song. A simple melody can do so much and i began to wonder why. The human brain is a very complex and fascinating topic especially with music involved. After a bit of research i began to notice that I had no idea how music works with the brain on a physical level. So i looked into how music is able to be heard by the human ear and how the brain can process this information. It is a simple task that many take for granted however, it is amazing that the brain can change sound waves into different sounds that humans hear. Eventually the topic that fascinated my mind was how music really affects the brain physically and emotionally.
Music has many parts that go into it to make it sound like it does. A song has so many parts that play into it so that a certain effect is put into play. these are some of the attribute of music. The first attribute is tone...

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...the auditory nerve to the brain. The sound has to travel through auditory nerves in order to reach the brain.
The part of the brain that actually receives the electrical impulses is the upper temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex shown in the diagram below. In order for the sound to enter the brain however, The impulses have to flow over neurons due to an electro-chemical action. The neuron allows the impulse to have enough energy to continue the electrical impulse along the nerve. Once entered in the brain the sounds are interpreted and then heard as the sounds people are familiar with. All of these steps happen within milliseconds in order to hear just one sound. This is how every sound is received whether its talking, singing, a dog barking or someone playing the piano. All of those sound we hear go through those steps in order for people to hear them.

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