Music Analysis Of Summer Camp's Song 'Fresh'

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The band Summer Camp presents a vivid music video for their song “Fresh”, released August 6, 2013, about first love. The songwriter and speaker, Elizabeth Sankey, recalls her teenage years of falling in love through her lyrics in a reminiscing and narrative tone. Her partner,Jeremy Warmsley, joins her as she expresses her emotions with background vocals and guitar playing. She was the typical dreamy-eyed teenage girl who wished for the fairy tale love. However, she was left heartbroken and disoriented. Summer Camp’s musical audience is guided towards the modern young adult “hipsters” who are nostalgic for the 80’s and 90’s lifestyle. Elizabeth assumes that her audience has gone through a heartbreak and tries to instill her opinion of the difficulties of getting over your first love. She hopes to gain an emotional connection with the listeners by speaking for all the broken hearted individuals who need to express their feelings.

Elizabeth is seen wearing a pearl-white suit throughout the whole video. Society commonly represents white as a color of purity …show more content…

She delivers a paradox, “no heartbreak has ever been as good…” to describe her aching heart after losing her first love. Heartbreak is never pleasant and it’s almost as if she's romanticising it by calling it something “good”. This also contains some irony due to the fact that she continues the song by singing about how hurt she was, yet she still craved the feeling of love. She includes that her “heart was black and blue” to illustrate how her heart was dark and bruised. Bruises are fragile, just like her heart was left. It relates to the audience by allowing them to ruminate about the happy memories of their relationship, but how that specific heartbreak left them empty and frail. The first heartbreak is always the hardest to get through, but it’s the most memorable when looked back

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