Mr. Jones Case Study

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The following investigation is occurring for a fact-finding mission to see if Officer Jones has a sufficient amount of information to qualify for a search warrant, and to proceed with the proper court protocol. As the courts reviewed reports supplied, we feel, as the proper requirements for a search warrant were not met. Even though Mr. Jones has spent over ten years in the drug enforcement sector of law enforcement, it does not qualify him as an expert drug enforcement agent. With the information given, Mr. Jones did not have probable cause. Mr. Jones relied on information from an informant that he did not work with previously. The information included judgment based on the witness seeing a glowing light in the basement, two tanks being brought into the household, and being told that the homeowner has an unlimited amount of marijuana to sell. This information that was told to the informant is speculation, only. …show more content…

Mr. Jones never physically had evidence, just speculation. The evidence that he believes that he saw was through a pair of binoculars and an unproven informant. The information he claimed to see was a bright light and top of a marijuana plant, and did not go into the resident’s home to obtain actual evidence of the marijuana plant. The credibility of the informant is lacking, the informant has not given information before to officers. The informant has given the officers information that he believes he has seen, and not actually been in close contact with besides for the neighbor saying information that may be suspected. This could of confused the informant or been used to confuse and concern them, causing them to tell an officer and become involved into the

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