Moving To Turkey Research Paper

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Moving To Turkey an Islamic Country In 2005, the choice to relocate in the Middle East, not to mention, an Islamic country was easily the most frightening decision I ever made. This was terrifying for numerous reasons, including the new culture, I would be unemployed, and that I had only been married for six months. Although, I was raised by a Turkish, Muslim step-father, I was not prepared to live in a country that still enforced Sharia Law, I was ignorant to the language, and, would be facing newlywed issues. First, I was scared of a different and exotic culture, in addition, there were religious rules that I was unfamiliar with. Turkey is a predominantly Islamic country; I was worried about having to convert to extreme Islam. My imagination ran wild, like a cheetah after a deer, with fears of all the negative Islamic horror stories I was seeing in the media. I was more accustomed to a comfortable religious environment, correspondingly, rules were suggested not forced. …show more content…

I could not speak Turkish, as a result, I couldn’t even apply for local positions that were offered. Upon entry to Turkey, a visa simply cost 20 USD, however, to pay for a working residency permit was relatively pricey. Without a steady income, of course, there wasn’t any hope in moving out of my in-laws home any time soon. Thirdly, there was the fear of living as a newlywed in the same house as my legal relatives. My in-laws were already disappointed with having an American daughter in law, coupled with, this was not my first marriage only made matters worse. I was fearful my husband, despite, how much I knew loved me he would not stand up for me. Fear constantly gripped me that he would turn out to be a controlling, abusive husband and would forever rule my every

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