Motivation Analysis

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In order to be a leader you must have followers therefore you must understand how to motivate people to follow your plan. Motivation is what makes employees act in certain ways; you have to know understand people’s reasoning for doing something. This is key in becoming a good leader. Matt was once a coworker to the staff, often this creates a barrier for gaining respect. People have needs or a lack of something resulting in something wanted. Thus the drive or desire that has motivated us to satisfy the need. Therefore, satisfying the need, or getting the thing wanted is the goal. The staff enjoyed the lax atmosphere, the ability to be social and the flexibility to swap shifts and arrive slightly before schedule. The change in management that cased the reduction in staff and rigid rules was perceived as a threat by the remaining staff. A more seasoned manager most likely would have recognized that people are different. While some people come to work to earn money this fulfilling existence needs, some desire to related to others, or earn promotion, which is growth need. The expectancy theory states that an individual will decide to behave or act in a certain way because they are motivated to select a specific behavior over other behaviors due to what they expect the result of that selected behavior will be. However, the cognitive process of how an individual processes the different motivational elements also comes into play. When Matt took over the staff most likely did not foresee the changes that would come. They did not expect positions to be terminated, rigid workplace rules such as no fraternizing allowed and changing the policy of swapping shifts made the job a lot less fun. As stated by an employee they could easily wor... ... middle of paper ... ...r tool is to solicit input, it can be very exciting for an employee to find out his supervisor appreciates his input. Managers who seek input from employees are able to express appreciation to employees and are doing themselves as well employees a favor. Employees on all levels in the organization have valuable ideas and opinions to contribute that can improve the efficiency, efficiency and even the effectiveness of the company. The employee receives a cerebral advantage and the company receives a monetary one. Finally recognition of superior performance is a tool that can be utilized. While everyone in an organization gets a excited when receiving a bonus or other recognition of superior performance, peer recognition is a motivating force as well. Simple "Employee of the Month" recognition in a newsletter can be extremely exciting and motivating to an employee.

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