Motion Picture Arts Application Essay Sample

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A successful film to me is a perfect combination of a story and a committed character, and the presentation in a short or a feature length film. By using these three factors, I feel I would make meaningful contributions to the Motion Picture Arts program at Capilano. The story. The Motion Picture Arts program would further develop my current skill set for the film industry. Classes such as screenplay writing, introduction to producing, and post-production would give a bevy of knowledge, essential to any future filmmaker, thereby, instilling confidence and self-assurance which are imperatives in the film-making process. Additionally, being located in the one of the central hubs for film-making in Canada, where innovations and advancement of …show more content…

From infancy, I have gravitated toward film. Immersing a viewer into a world created by the figments of someone’s imagination enthralls me. I possess the analytical skills to critique a film, drawing attention to what the average viewer may overlook. Wanting to push the medium forward, I actively seek out new films, which keeps me up to date on trends and shifts within the film community. I intend to add my unique perception to use both visual and narrative storytelling to motivate, inspire, and create optimism where there is none. Similar to the committed characters, I have remained dedicated to film, by joining college film clubs, participating in online discussion groups, and advocating for the films I enjoy to help them reach a wider audience. With admission to the program, I will remain committed to academic excellence and active involvement in the institution’s film culture. The viewing experience I will create will differ from the rest, as I do not want the audience to simply watch my creation, but rather to witness my distinctive vision. The unconventional framework, unique placement of symbolism, and opinions within my films will illustrate the passion and creativity I possess and bring to each endeavour. Being aware of the subtle intricacies as well as the dignity and respect required, I present the opportunity to tell underrepresented and seldom told stories. As film is global, so should the stories being

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