Mosaic Law Vs Hammurabi

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The Mosaic Law given to the Israelites in Leviticus, and the Code of Hammurabi written by Hammurabi in 1750B.C. are both very early examples of laws. But they were created for two different cities, the Mosaic Law for the city of God and the Code of Hammurabi for the city of man. God gave Moses the Law and he then gave it to the Israelites, while Hammurabi claimed to be a god and the Code the best thing for the people. Both the Mosaic Law and the Code of Hammurabi serve a purpose, but go about it in different ways with varying exceptions, mentalities, and a different motivation.

The mentality of the Law is merciful and loving, this is shown through its punishments. The Mosaic Law includes exceptions (or substitutions), specifically for required

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