Hammurabi Code Of Laws

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Hammurabi I was a famed king of Babylon and throughout his lifetime proved to be one of the greatest rulers in ancient times. Hammurabi was able to establish himself as more than just a leader because of what he was able to do for his people and his society.
He was able to expand his territory, carry out public works projects, and most importantly established the first recorded code of laws that bearded his name. Hammurabi was a noble influence for his people, and left a lasting legacy that still influences society to this day. His rule was one that was beneficial to his civilization and future civilizations. In ancient times the civilization of Babylon was able to thrive under the rule of Hammurabi. His birth date is unknown, but he was born …show more content…

The set of laws is called the Code of Hammurabi. When Hammurabi was ruling in Babylon many rules were in order. But, they were not written down. Therefore the need to codify the laws came about, so all of the laws were inscribed on stone tablets to be able to implement order over his people. The code itself was in three sections; first an introduction where Hammurabi proclaims that he is the divine ruler from the order of the gods. Next was the section of 282 explanations of different complications or crimes that could happen in his society. They covered many problems in civil law such as marriage, and in criminal law such as robbery and murder. A famous piece of Hammurabi’s code of law was the “eye for an eye” saying. This meant that if a person were to commit a crime against an individual then what ever was done would have to be reciprocated on the initial crime doer. Many sections for different if then clauses, meaning that if a certain deed was done then this would be the penalty. There were also job specialized laws such as laws 42-56 that pertained specifically to farmers. This law code also was ahead of its time in how it gave some rights to women in a highly patriarchal society. But, even though it paved the way for women the law code did in some sections separate the from men. “If a tavern-keeper (feminine) does not accept corn according to gross weight in …show more content…

He was a good influence on his people as he was able to make them conduct themselves in a civil way through his law code. Hammurabi’s achievements set him above other rulers because he revolutionized law from something that everyone “knew” to something that was written down and could be enforced and followed. His code of law is the longest living law code but it still influences modern-day law. It promoted rights for women and protection for lower class members of society, which is a huge part of modern-day law. The code of law and other achievements Hammurabi was able to accomplish made him a good influence for his people. He was able to promote respectable ethics with the law code, and was able to influence religious duties with his building of public works projects. Hammurabi was an incredible ruler as he was able to accomplish so

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