Monarchy Dbq

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During this time France was ruled by a series of absolutist rulers such as Richelieu an appointed regent who took Louis XIII place until he was old enough to be king, and Mazariń who was Louis XIV appointed regent until he came of age. Amidst the constant changing of laws and war during these kings reign, religious tension between the Huguenots and the Catholics was starting to build back up, even after Henry IV wrote the Edict of Nantes, which gave Hugenotten followers the right to practice their religion without any prosecution, as well as being able to fortify their cities. During the reign of Louis XIV, tension between the monarchy and the nobility was at an all-time high; Nobles of the robe and Nobles of the sword were used as a ploy …show more content…

Henri Prince of Condé comes from a family of old money and states that The Nobles of the robe only have value because of their money and because of this the sword nobility have been banished because they don't flaunt their money as excessively as the robe do (document 4). Most of the time, monarchy were the poorest in the aristocracy- even princes and kings- so it makes sense that this prince feels but money isn't as important as keeping the sword thriving. (document 3) Earning a title through your funds and proving yourself through carnage is not the way to go. Way before Louis XIV, Louis XI started pitting nobles against each other to gain land, and sell it in order to get some sort of financial stability after the 100 years war in France, causing more internal wars between wealthy families and wreckage in everyday France. Lastly, people thought the rank of an officer can never be sacred if it can be sold out (document 11). The author of this document is a cavalry colonel and a sword noblemen, which shows his bias as a man who wants to rid the noble class of the new people entering in order to keep his

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