Mommy Brain Assignment

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Assignment 2
Mommy Brain
1. Popular Article Summary. (5 pts) The purpose of this article was to see whether or not certain areas of a mother’s brain change after having a baby. The participants of the study were 19 women who had recently given birth. All of the women gave birth at the same hospital. Each of the participants had images taken of their brains two to four weeks, and three to four months after giving birth. This was done to see if their were any changes in the grey matter of their brain. The scientists discovered that grey matter does increase in certain areas of the brain after a woman gives birth. The areas where the scientist saw grey matter growth are associated with maternal behaviors, “The areas affected support maternal …show more content…

Mommy brain is when moms feel that they loose brain power after having a baby. The participants could be seen as all moms. The author does reference one study, “Half of new moms still felt super sleepy 18 weeks after giving birth, according to a recent study published in PLOS One,” (Mommy Brain: Yes, It's a Thing). The author, conflict of interest does not give any procedure, results,or implications since there isn't really any research happening in this article. She does how ever however give ways to help with “mommy brain”. Carole Anderson Lucia does not include any credentials,affiliations about herself in this article.

6. Discuss Internet Article: (5 pts) My opinion of this article is that is contains no real research or evidence for it’s claims. While the author does not seem to have any conflict of interest (no connection to any companies that are trying to persuade their customers), Carole Anderson Lucia does not provide any reference to studies about the topic. The author writes in her article that, “Many experts attribute the sluggishness to the upheaval of hormones that inevitably occurs after childbirth,” (Mommy

Brain: Yes, It's a Thing). However, Carole Anderson Lucia’s (the author) one supporting reference to a study done, is about how sleep causes “mommy brain”. This leads me to question the credibility of this

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