Mma Informative Speech

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Violence, we do not condone it on the streets, we do not condone it in the home and today ladies and gentlemen we do not condone it as a sport.

Mixed martial arts. Mixed martial arts. It sounds deceptively tame. I assure you, it isn't. Mixed martial arts broadly refers to full contact extreme combat sports of a violent nature in which contestants are permitted to use the fighting techniques of wrestling and boxing but also the defensive teachings of kickboxing, judo, and karate.. These are centuries old teachings that have had their traditional emphasis of self defence and control contorted and perverted into something else... Something intrinsically violent and savage that contradicts the most basic of moral principles.

This morning ladies …show more content…

According to the New York University, individuals exposed to violence on a regular basis had a higher propensity to commit aggressive acts in turn. For some in society, lines are blurred between what can be defined as acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Legalised MMA is juxtaposed by the numerous anti violence campaigns currently being implemented by parliament and law enforcement agencies. On one hand, government is detesting violence against women? On the other hand, the government has no qualms in letting people tune into a UFC fight and watch two women attempt to beat the other unconscious. How can society take these anti violence messages seriously when a hypocritical government is permitting savage MMA fights to continue in the name of entertainment. MMA must be banned in order to draw clear distinctions between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.

Opponents of bans point to other sports that have a high risk of fatalities, such as horse racing, skydiving, motor sport and surfing. The problem for such advocates is that cage fighting share a unique characteristic: participants set out to “stop” their opponent, a euphemism for the infliction of harm that renders opponents unable to continue fighting. Knocking them unconscious is the ultimate “stop”. Participants in other sports, whilst accidents may occasionally occur, do no set out to intentionally cause harm to themselves or their

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