Missrepresentation: The Image Of Women

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It is this so called “perfect female” that is engraved in our minds, both male and female, and because of this there are many young girls, specifically between the ages of 14 to mid-20s, are being hurt by this. Women are portrayed in almost every possible thing. But they are pictured as a thin, tall, Caucasian female. Women want to be that female. That is what they are constantly telling themselves. When a woman gets the figure they always dreamt of, they are yet not satisfied. Being beautiful is not enough for them. A few want more, and when they cannot get to that point of harming themselves. Young girls are getting the wrong message thru media. In the film, “MissRepresentation” it gives the facts on how the media has influenced women with this “perfect figure,” even those young girls still in middle school. They are being abused physically, emotionally, and mentally because of what media is showing.
What girl would not and does not want to look like Barbie, or one of those models you see on at fashion shows, or even a famous actress? They have this body that every girl wants and will do anything to get; tall and thin. These models are everywhere; they surround us in magazines, posters, advertisements, television shows, music industry, and at shopping centers. This perfect women figure is surrounding us, making us, women, believe that that is the only figure accepted in this world. Those women who do not look like that are laughed at, and picked on. Women will do whatever is on their hands in order to get the body everyone considers accepting. A few will go to the extremes and cut down on the amount of meals they are eating, they’ll increase the time exercising, and some will even get plastic surgery done. All this for the “pe...

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...hat without the looks, the women will not achieve much in their lives. Having all three will give you greater chances in life.
We need to put a stop to all this. There are young girls already who are starving themselves, causing self-harm, depressed, humiliated. At that age, they should be focused on having fun with friends, and school. Not on this “perfect figure.” Personally being skinny my entire life is not a very positive thing. Friends will come up to me and ask me if I have an eating disorder, or how much time do I spend doing exercise, and the most common is “I want to be skinny like you.” This saddens me because they are not embracing their imperfections. That is what is making you unique, to stand out. Women and young girls need to stand up and start speaking up. Looks do not matter, what matters is how you feel about yourself, and how you want to feel.

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