Misconception And Stereotypes In Society Today

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Misconception and stereotypes are the most common and most effective ways that are used to communicate and infer society today. Everybody in some way use it and do not even realized that it is being used. Misconceptions is a view or option that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding. Stereotypes is an often unfair and untrue belief that many people have about all people or things with a particular characteristic. These types of terms existe so we are able to make judgements on what we see and what we think about those certain people. It is often correct about what we infer but sometimes can be misunderstood. This is most often seen and judged on more on high class people.It is more reasonable to be judged, but also be misjudged. High class people tend to have the money to be able to purchase whatever they desire, but does it mean they they always have all the high end brands and etc.? …show more content…

What they wear, act and the way they talk to each other can make a person think and judge those certain people without even knowing them. People can make a lot of misconceptions about people with just looking at the person without getting to know a little about them. Misconceptions are always the main reason and why people do not talk to those people since that is what other people say they are, so why even get to give them a chance to get to know them. Misconceptions and stereotypes are the main reason why people do not even get to know a person or it can be the main reason why that person is so popular. If it were not about misconceptions and stereotypes, then how will people make those inferences and know how they are if it were not for these types of stereotypes. Misconceptions and stereotypes play a big role in our social society nowadays. Life would not be the same without these

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