Minimum Working Age Essay

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There should be a minimum age for allowing employment! We need a minimum working age of 18 to keep kids from taking away job opportunities from people that need to support a family. Kids these days are seen to be working casual or part time jobs a lot more, but what is happening to the older generation? They have been left out like love stock in a pack of predators with no support. This is all due to no minimum working age that is in South Australia which relates to how bad the pay rate is that benefits only the bigger companies. These big companies are mooching off of the younger population so the profit margin will increase faster than the enemies that North Korea makes, is this really ok?
Its horrid to see people saying “It’s their fault for not having a job” while their own children have an under paying position that would have been taken from these people because of the current rights. If this situation isn't fixed in the next years to come the state unemployment rate will rise to 10% from all of the factories closing down due to the price being cheaper in China to manufacture the products. This can all …show more content…

These statistics were compared to other states such as Queensland which is 6.7% and New South Wales at 5.2%. This large difference is astonishing, why is South Australia and Queensland such a harbinger for the unemployed population when compared to NSW. This statistic can all be related back to one problem.. This problem is that there is no minimum employment age in South Australia or Queensland but in NSW where it is 1.4% lower there is a minimum age to work of 17 years old. Why can’t we have an easy solution that will allow the older population to work in areas highly populated with the younger generations? It all comes down to the minimum pay rate that employers can use for the children or students that are employed at their

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