Mindfulness Meditation Research Paper

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Since the dawn of mankind, meditation has created altered states of consciousness and taught self-mastery. Of course modern-day stresses are drastically different than those that primitive hunter-gatherers endured; but the prehistoric man's fascination with the flames of a campfire - resulting in non-structured meditation - has remained central to what it is to be human.

Over time, a variety of meditative traditions evolved. With so many styles to choose from, there is most assuredly a style that suits any individual. Quite simply, there is no right or wrong type of meditation - if it feels good, do it. If it just doesn't resonate with you, move on.

Mindfulness Meditation

One of the most well-known types of meditation is Mindfulness Meditation, or Vipassana. This is part of the Buddhist tradition and involves becoming aware of everything happening around you in the moment, as well as self-awareness of the things you say, do, think and feel. This type of meditation can be practiced anytime and is particularly wonderful while you're engaged in your daily tasks. Its goal is to awaken you to the miracle of the present moment. …show more content…

The goal is to develop loving, altruistic thoughts, emotions and behaviors towards everyone.

Koan (Zen): designed to challenge the dualistic way in which we perceive the world. Once the non-dual reality is understood, the meditator awakens. The koans are riddles that challenge our perception of "what is" and are often used as the basis for contemplation.

Mantra: the repetition of a mantra (a phrase, single word, or sound) tunes you in to the universal energy. It often involves the feeling of resonance produced by making the sound (such as

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