Million Dollar Baby Essay

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Supriya Singh Manisha Sinha NTCC A STUDY OF GENDER AND SPORTS IN MILLION DOLLAR BABY Million Dollar Baby is story about fighters/warriors who fought both in the boxing ring as well as in their life. This book is made up of of short stories that defines the struggle of his life and the struggles of people around him.. Although it is about boxing, focus of each story is not the sport, but everything that is going on around him, like training, privacy, private struggle, ups and downs of talented young boxers, the problems they face. By reading these stories, we'll learn a lot that we did not know about this sport, including some surprising facts. It shows us that we should fight for our passion. About being strong enough to do what we must for those we love. It is also a …show more content…

Mercy killing terms are comforting when someone is going through severe medical condition. When person very close to us, is going through severe pain, or if they have completely lost the battle to fight with their life, our intuition is to free that person that lost battle. The desire to flee from this life goes to that certain level where the disabled person tries his/her best to end their life themselves only. Such as when Maggie was unable to use her hand, she tried to chew her own tongue and tried to choke on her own blood. This story tells us that certain bad luck and minor accidents can occur to anyone at any point of time and completely change our life. Same thing happened with Maggie Fitzgerald who was a waitress at first, who persuades trainer named Frankie Dunn to train her into a world-class boxer. Maggie was just one step behind of achieving her dream when the bad luck strikes at

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