Mike Tyson's Personality

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Mike Tyson became a household name. He was a man with no remorse in the ring. However, his reputation changed drastically in a short period of time. He may have just started off being well known for his athleticism in boxing but later became known for his crazy antics in life. He started off, as a juvenile delinquent and he later became an alcoholic, drug addict, womanizer, and convicted criminal. Mike Tyson is morally responsible for his actions as a child and as an adult due to his self-forming actions and his superiority complex. Mike Tyson’s childhood was not an easy one. He grew up in the meanest section of Brooklyn, New York called Brownsville. Tyson describes living in this area horrendous. “It was then that the kids would always …show more content…

When Mike Tyson became a household name, he let the fame of his career mask his world. His name became his mask. A social experiment that was enacted in the 1970s relates to certain aspects of Mike Tyson’s superiority complex. Doctor Philip Zombardo conducted an experiment where he randomly selected college students to be “prisoners” and “guards”. For no reason, after the first day the guards started getting a superiority complex. The guards wore sunglasses, as known as their masks. The guards began to abuse their powers and treat the “prisoners” harsh and cruelly. They started acting like there was going to be no consequences for their actions or for how they treat people (Zombardo). Mike Tyson adopted some of these same characteristics when he became more and more famous. Tyson was a humble man at the beginning of his career. However, things started to change when he became more famous. He started to abuse the power of his name, also known as his mask. He began to be extremely promiscuous in his sex life. Women coming towards him because of whom he was in celebrity and he used them for pleasure. He also started addictions, especially with alcohol. He became cocky and started to disregard his training because he believed he was the best at what he did and did not need to improve, no one would beat him (Toback, 2009). Mike Tyson let the power of celebrity go to his head enabling him to think there were no consequences for his actions, so it did not matter what his actions were. This can all be connected back to his self-forming action of hanging out with those boys who tried to rob him. Tyson wanted to fit in and be a part of their group. He thought that this would make him more important. This self-forming action started him on his most powerful addiction of

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