Migliore's Influence: The Five Models Of Revelations

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When reading what Migliore writes about revelation One question comes to mind; is this revelation on just a individual level? The reason I would ask this is because if revelation does not confirm what we already know then how do you explain the difference between the revelation that Peter had to the “revelation” that David achieved through Nathan? Isn’t David’s type of revelation more of an accountability solution rather than a revelation? The same thing goes for Flannery O’Connor’s story, isn’t the revelation that happens to the woman the result of a knowledge that someone else, the girl, already has, thus confirming what is already known? I guess what I am asking Migliore is; when a revelation is passed along does that passing become a new …show more content…

The first model emphasizes the importance of the Scriptures and the doctrines of the church. It restricts revelation to happen only by the reading of the Bible and attending a doctrinally correct church. The second model puts an emphasis on the historical events that happen in the Bible. It states that if we learn more about these “mighty acts of God,” then we have a higher chance of attaining revelation. The third model speaks to personal testimonies and puts an emphasis on personal. It focuses on the personal experiences and realizations that a person has with God in themselves. The fourth model states that the Word of God is mediated by humans but cannot be identified with humans. So church and scripture proclamation brings about revelation but it is through a mysterious way. The final model points to a new “awareness” or realization that results in a transformed life. This model completely changes a humans way of thinking and living and this change is therefore easy to see from the outside and

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