Middle Schoolers Should Have Study Hall

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On a typical school day, you might hear the words "Ugh, I have so much homework" come out of a middle schooler's mouth. In reality, the problem might not be the amount of homework, but the amount of time a student has after school. School administrators need to understand the importance of having a study hall for middle school students. Middle schoolers should be able to have a study hall because it gives them time to get assignments done, understand their homework better, and not have so much on their plate.

If middle schoolers had a study hall, they would be able to get different assignments done. Students could work on homework and get most of it completed during the study hall period. This would be beneficial to their grades and time management skills. With a study hall, capitalcityweekly.com says that it would help students know how much time they have to do homework, and be able to use that time wisely. A study hall would also give students a chance to catch up on late or missing assignments, and with that they would be able to improve their grades and not get so far behind in their studies. …show more content…

At home they might have different distractions and take longer to do homework, while even procrastinating. With a study hall, they would be able to have a better understanding of the subject because they could take more time to ask questions and study for tests and quizzes in a school environment. When they were doing homework, they would be less likely to forget things because it would be fresh in their

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