Middle School Goals

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Middle School Successes and Goals

During my middle school years, I’ve been able to achieve in a few successful ways. In this essay, I will discuss some of my sixth grade successes, my seventh grade successes and goals I have for this year in eighth grade. First, I will explain what some of my successes were in sixth grade.
Sixth grade was a successful year for me. In sixth grade, I participated in SMS Volleyball, Choir, and FCA. All three of these activities are very importent to me. In Volleyball, I played the setter position and I was an outide hitter. I also was in choir because I love to sing. In choir, I was an Alto, which sings the lower part. FCA stands for Fellowship of Christian Athletes. FCA was very special for me because I learned how to be a good Christian and we did fun activities, like reading the bible and we played dogeball. In sixth grade, I made a lot of new friends and I loved my teachers. Although it was hard to adapt to a new schedule and have multiple teachers, unlike elementary school, it still was a pretty good year. …show more content…

I participated in the same activities as I did in Sixth grade, I had a lot of my friends in my classes, and I had really good grades for the whole year! In seventh grade, Volleyball, Choir, and FCA were still really important to me. I still was a setter in volleyball, an alto in choir, and a christian in FCA which was really great! I had almost all of my friends on my same team and in my classes. I even met some new people that I did not know the year before. My teachers were all really nice and helped me achieve my goals. At the end of the school year, I ended up having all A+’s on my report card, except for science which was an A. We also had an awards ceremony at the end of the year and I got an award for high honor roll, straight A’s in every class, and I also got the Respect Award which I was very proud of! Seventh grade was a fantastic year and I loved everything about

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