Michelle Alexander's Drug War Nightmare: How We Created A Massive Racial Caste System

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There are always certain social problems that take part in our communities. Some of us may not experience it first hand, but all of us should acknowledge the fact that our greatest social problem is still looming till this day. In Michelle Alexander 's work, Drug War Nightmare: How We Created a Massive Racial Caste System in America, she talks about the social problem of inequality and discrimination in America. From being an African American to being a law professor and experience as a clerk for a Supreme Court justice, so it can give a reader a sense of comfort knowing that she knows what she is talking about. Alexander uses several methods of using logical and emotional appeals to the readers so they can get a glimpse of this national issue. She points out that there is a "New Jim Crow system" in the country that discriminates minorities in the legal system today and how it is a real problem that has a huge impact on American citizen 's lives. Alexander emphasizes that the War On Drug 's But as much as it affects a particular individual, it more importantly has a negative impact on families. Later in her writing, Alexander starts to connect to her readers through an emotional appeal of what a lot of people value most. There is nothing more important to us than family. It is inevitable to lose a family member overtime. But losing them unexpectedly based on the color of their skin can be destructing. Children growing up with out their fathers years at a time or even both parents will negatively change their lives. Brothers and sisters losing both of their parents and then to being separated from each other once child service step in. They would only resent the "fair" judicial system and could go through the same discriminatory system that had imprisoned their parents. It can lead to an endless cycle simply starting by only a small amount of possession of a

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