Michael Vey: The Final Spark Essay

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Michael Vey: The Final Spark the science fiction by Richard Paul Evans, was a very exiting book. There are thee hundred fifteen pages. ..... I would recommend ages from 7 plus, because you feel some of the gory scenes, but it doesn’t go into depth. The main characters of Michael Vey: The Final Spark are Enele, Ostin, and Dr. Hatch. Enele is a brave leader of the Tuvaluan army. He is very wise. He never lets his heart make decisions his brain would not agree with. He has brown skin. He is the grandson of the prime minister. He likes to have a plan before he does something. Ostin is a intelligent teenager. He is nerdy, and loves to learn. He knows about almost everything. His growth in defending himself and being brave has grown throughout …show more content…

First he will collect the weapons that work on Hades, then he will attack the slave camp island and hope the natives will join him in his attack. After he will attack the Elgen training camp and take its weapons from their armory. From there he seeks wisdom from Elder Malikai. The Elder tells Enele to move to a Island with a depository. He moves there. He fortifies the depository and waits for the Elgen to attack them. Ostin and the glows steal the Elegens boat full of money. On there way to Fiji for fuel, the Fijian navy stops the boat. All of them are caught except for Ostin and Jack. They jumped off the boat, and swam all the way to Fiji. Once onshore a man asked about them, and asked them if they wanted to stay with him. They stayed and plotted how to get there friends back. The man tricked them into telling him everything they knew. They realized they were fighting for the same cause. The man ordered a group of men together to discuss how the would attack the Elgen. They decided they would go to meet up with Enele. Shortly after they met up the Elgen attacked. Dr Hatch had all of the glows and the Figian navy behind him to he attacked. Then Micheal Vey sent lightning bolts from the sky at the ships. He killed most if not all of them, then he went to the island hatch was on and saved the glows and killed

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