Mexican Revolution Research Paper

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The Mexican Revolution was Mexico's thirty year journey from Dictatorship to a Constitutional Republic. It began with the unfair election of Dictator Porfirio Diaz in 1910. The people favored the revolutionary, Francisco Madero, but according to the polls, Diaz won unanimously. Madero's followers revolted under his command and fought against Mexico's Federal Army. Victorious, the mexican people forced Diaz to step down in 1911 and escape to Paris where he died four years later. During all of this, Francisco Medero was arrested and later sought refuge in Texas until Diaz departed. When Medero returned , he was made President of Mexico. Then, two years later, he was forced out by political opposition of presidency and murdered in 1913. His General …show more content…

During his rule, Mexican Government was based on land reform. It was during his presidency that the Mexican Constitution of 1917 was written. It still is the foundation of how Mexico is run today. Alvaro Obregon was next to become president after Carranza was ousted, Zapata was assassinated and Vila's military was defeated. During his term, a government-support labor distribution program was created. With no violence or struggle, Obregon relinquished his presidency to Plutarco Callas, who was able to stabalized the politcal system and end "La Guerra Cristera", a war between those against connection of Church and state and those for Roman Catholic Suprememcy. Callas also created the Partido Nacional Revolucionario, later name the Partido Revolucionario Institucional. This, for many marked the end of Mexican Dictatorship and the begining of Constitutional reform. The Mexican Revolution wasn't as violent as the French Revolution nor as politically drastic as the American Revolution, but it was a revolution none the less. It was guided by political leaders, trying out new ideas to better Mexico. The Presidents that followed all added to the Mexican government to make it what it is

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