The Storm That Swept Mexico Summary

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This documentary called “The Storm that Swept Mexico”, talks about one of the most important events in Mexican history which was the Mexican revolution which started on 1910 and lasted for about 10 years. At first this video starts talking about how Mexico lost a major part of their land in Mexican American war. The states that Mexico lost were Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, and California in 1848, by president Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. Moreover, another war mentioned was the one Mexico had against France called “Battle of Puebla”. After this atrocious war Mexico had 20 years of peace until the Mexican revolution in 1910 took place. This very interesting video dragged my attention due to the fact that it explains precisely every important figure that was involved in such a big movement. Furthermore, in this fascinating video I learned a lot of interesting facts about Porfirio Diaz. For example, he is the president that lasted 30 years in power, and was the president number thirty to rule Mexico. Another interesting fact about this iconic figure is that his period as Mexican president was called the “Porfiriato” …show more content…

This war was caused because the people were not happy with the government they had and they wanted to take out Porfirio Diaz of the presidency. The people weren’t happy due to the fact that the ruling of Porfirio Diaz was considered as a dictatorship. Some other important figures in the Mexican revolution were Pancho Villa, Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Madero, Victoriano Huerta, Emiliano Zapata, Alvaro Obregon, Lazaro Cardenas, Pascual Orozco, among others. Among all these revolutionary leaders Francisco villa better known as Pancho Villa in my opinion was the most important icon of the Mexican army because he had that leadership, and personality to save and help the Mexican community that was against the Mexican government and he was a true hero because he never accepted any type od

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