Mesquite Shelter: A Short Story

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Pictures moving fast outside my window and the slow murmur of the motor. The pictures slowed and I make out the words “Mesquite Shelter”. One shelter after another, even though the names changed and the dogs were similar one thing was different, none of them were the one for us. Each shelter brought back memories of the one we lost. Her big eyes and huge paws kept finding a way into my thoughts. One dog after another each and every one reminding me of her. Tears held back as a small ranch comes into view. We met the family who owned the property and they had taken in a stray border collie and the dog had become pregnant. We were led to a two car garage where we came upon about eight to ten puppies, a border collie, and a silver station wagon. …show more content…

She also had brown, blonde, and white markings on her feet, which made her look like she was wearing striped socks. On her chest, she had white markings. This little adorable fluffy puppy was now ours. Car doors closed, seats buckled, and the new puppy sat on our laps. During the car ride we tried to come up with names for her. We were pretty sure we wanted to call her Trinity for multiple reasons. First off we adopted her near the Trinity River and she has mainly three colors of fur. Halfway through she got car sick, which made us drive even faster. When we arrived home we let her in the backyard. Millie and Baxter, my other two dogs, were going crazy in the window when they saw her. After she got more adapted to the surroundings we let out our other two dogs. They were crazy, running around and barking. They ran from fence to fence, along the zipline, and all around the pool. The sounds of our laughter ring through the air. After, we went inside and let our close friend meet the puppy before he left for Virginia. We played with her all afternoon and she ran all around the backyard. She ended up getting so tired from playing with us and Millie that she ended up taking a long nap. Later that night we tried to come up with other names for her. We came up with: Penny, after the copper colored fur she has, Chelsea, after the soccer team, Pippy, and

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