Mental Illness Paper

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Mental Illness Paper Mental Illness is a condition that is distinguish by the interference in an individual’s thoughts, emotions,or behavior. Mental Illness has a extensive range of disorders, differ from those that origin from mild to those that harm a person’s ability to function in life. According to the biological perspective, mental illness is a bodily process, which means the process is in the body to be exact “respiratory activity”. In the other hand the psychological perspective, believe that how a person was raised during childhood from its parents play a major role. As well environment can be one of the cause for mental health in our society. Im my opinion we have overlooked mental illness, even though we have improve treatments for mental illness over the years. We can take different approaches in how mental illness is deal today. …show more content…

Depending if the room is too dark or too light, or if there is any noise. Which can be an underlying cause of Insomnia. He also fears nightmares, or dying in his sleep, meaning he suffers from some type of phobia called Somniphobia. He also expects the worst, for example; each time the phone rings is because it might be bad news. Which my most appropriate diagnosis is Generalized Anxiety Disorder, that has a combination of panic attacks. Which Walter experience such as, pounding of the heart, dizziness and numb fingers. The case study also explain that Walter gets extremely nervous in specific situations, like waiting in line, sitting in the middle of a row or riding public transportation. According to the Abnormal Psychology book, Walker may have agoraphobia. Walker is very demanding, controlling and self-absorbent person. The best two approaches to treat Walker diagnosis will be Cognitive and Behavioral

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