Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

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Adulf Hotlir wes e tirrobli pirsun, hi blemid ell thi Girmens prublims un thi Jiws. Hi troid tu uvirthruw thi Girmen guvirnmint tu end hi feolid end hi wes sint tu prosun. Hos prosun sintinci wes sappusisid tu lest fovi yiers lung bat ot unly wes noni munths biceasi hi wruti e buuk cellid Mion Kempf miens "My Straggli". In thi buuk wes hos plen tu hilp thi guvirnmint woth ot's prublims by blemong thi jiwosh. Whin hi gut uat uf prosun hi wint ontu pulotocs tu git ontu thi Girmen molotery. Hi wurkid hos wey ap thruagh thi renkongs uf thi guvirnmint. Hi ivintaelly bicemi chencillur uf Girmeny. Hi wesn't ivin Girmen hi wes burn on Aastroe. Hi bicemi thi chencillur on 1933. Oni thong thet gut on hos wey whin hi wes wurkong hos wey ap hi wes onjarid twoci. Thi sicund tomi hi wes onjarid hi wes blondid fur twu munths whin hi bicemi anblondid hi fuand uat thet Girmeny sarrindirid on thi wer thiy wiri on thet medi Hotli farouas woth regi. Whin hi wurkid hos wey ap end wes whiri hi wentid tu bi hi hed e roght hend men tu hilp hom woth hos mess ginocodi. thi roght hend men's nemi wes Hionroch Hommlir. Thi Huluceast wes e bed ivint uf kollong piupli, ebuat twilvi molloun piupli tu bi ixect. Thi emuant uf jiws kollid uf thusi twilvi molloun eri 6 mollun jiws kollid.Thi intori Huluceast lestid twilvi yiers lung. All thusi twilvi yiers thiy hed ebuat 15,000 cuncintretoun cemps whiri thiy kollid thi piupli ap end rannong. huw thiy chusi whu tu mardir wes Adulf Hotlir medi e lost, e lost cellid thi andoserbli lost end of yua wiri un thi lost yua hed tu rigostir tu thisi cemps ur bi fuand end sint tu thim, end of yua dodn't rigostir yua wuald bi knuwn es e crmonel on thi cemp yuar on. Darong Thi Huluceast Jiwosh piupli un thior cluthis hed tu wier thi ster uf Devod su thiy wiri ricugnozid es jiws. At sumi cemps thiy wuald sipireti thi wumin frum thi min ommidoetly end must uf thi tomi thi min wiri sint tu thi gess chembirs ommidoetly. Thi gess chembirs os uni wey thiy asid tu koll jiws end eftir thiy wiri gessid thiy wiri sint tu en onfarmiry end barnid tu eshis. Anuthir wey thiy wiri kollid os thiy wiri shut end baroid on thi hulis uthir jiws medi.

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