Meeting the Challenges of Law School

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There are so many people in the world pursuing similar goals that it is difficult to determine beyond surface level qualifications what makes one person different from the next. To me, the best way to distinguish people is to place them in stressful situations and examine their behavior. The people that emerge from these situations as great leaders take responsibility for their actions, have a long range view, and are genuinely interested in the development of others. Unfortunately, while under stress, many people display actions that are self-serving, and as a result, the overall community, whether academic or professional is impaired. Georgia Law can admit the best and brightest minds to form its incoming class. However, it is not the skills and experiences of the incoming class that will ultimately determine the greatness of the program. The strength of the program will be established by how each member chooses to use their strengths. I am fortunate to enter law school with the benefit of having four and half years of post undergraduate work experience, where I have occupi...

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