Persuasive Essay On Medical Marijuana

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What is medical marijuana? Medical marijuana refers to using the whole unprocessed hemp plant or extracts to treat a disease. It was first cultivated in China for therapy over four thousand seven hundred years ago (Johnson). Back in the 1970s the United States placed marijuana in the Controlled Substances Act because they claimed it had no medical purpose. Since the 1970s twenty-three out of fifty states have made medical marijuana legal. In my opinion medical marijuana should be legalized in all fifty states because it can truly help people with their conditions. I do not agree with using marijuana for recreational use, but if it can help medically then I am all for it. Medical Marijuana can make this world a better place because we can decrease …show more content…

Some of the cons that people argue about who are against the legalization of marijuana are causing damage to the lung tissue, contains a risk of developing cancer, affects a person’s short-term memory, and can cause wrecks while under the influence. These accusations can be true or not true, but personally one of my family members from Colorado has used medical marijuana for severe arthritis and has helped majorly. Studies to see if marijuana is an effective medicine have been limited because it is classified as a Schedule 1 drug in the Controlled Substances act. Until this drug is not such a big deal then they will be able to perform more tests on whether it is a useful medicine or not. If a drug trafficker is selling medical marijuana they will be incarcerated by the federal …show more content…

Some long-term effects would be alcohol poisoning, liver disease, high blood pressure, strokes, permanent damage to the brain, and many other medical issues. The feeling people get while drunk is different because they experience anger, blackouts, and depression. When you are under the influence of marijuana it relaxes you. Some people may say that marijuana is a natural pain killer. Driving while under the influence of marijuana is bad, but not as bad as alcohol because you are still in control of your body. In the United States we hear more about driving accidents than we hear about “high”

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