Media Synthesis Essay

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To begin with, the media played an important role in helping Americans progress for better equality because it played a huge role in changing and influencing the society. For example, the media have made great meaning on societies and their culture. Furthermore, the media can educate individuals and create awareness with people. In addition, because of the speech of President Lyndon B. Johnson he said “and we shall overcome .” That phrase became an important motto and started using the media for a greater good. Finally, the media acted as a catalyst for change during civil right movements.

Firstly, thanks to the media the government did a successful job of using the media to spread national propaganda to drum up support. Another reason why, those messages encouraged loyalty and unity with all people. Yet another reason why, the media convinced people to save their own materials and people turned them in to be melted down for military equipment.Lastly, because of the media women starting realizing they are stronger than they thought they were. In conclusion, the media propaganda had a huge impact on Americans opinions about the World War II. …show more content…

For instance, the media can take advantage of disagreement by broadcasting it as amusement to make money. Secondly, social media can help people to be able to see multiple perspectives in a conflict, which can encourage people to put pressure on politicians to take action. Thirdly, The media most affected young adults back then because it took most of their time. As you can see, because of the media many people were outraged by the violence they saw, which made some do the same thing and the media became

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