Media Representation Of Women Essay

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What does it mean to be on the cover of a magazine for a female? Are they any different than you or me? Whether we like it or not, we portray women in the media in a negative way everyday. We then take their so-called “image” and cultivate beliefs or expectations about ourselves in appearance, gender roles, sexuality and relationships. We produce false representations of women in the media. “The average American adult spends 11 hours per day with electronic media. That includes the age-old activities of watching TV and listening to the radio — which, surprisingly, are the top two digital activities in the average American adult's day.” With all the media we consume on a daily basis no wonder we are fixating images in our heads of what women should look like and how they are portrayed to society. Advertisements are one area in which women are showing themselves off to sell a product or catch the eye of a potential buyer. “There is no doubt that advertisements are everywhere, in fact the average woman sees about 400 to …show more content…

We say we want more realistic images but we also have a market for the airbrushed beautiful fake people. If we give them a market they will continue to produce images that are ideally not real. For example, Doves “real beauty” campaign was criticized for putting females on a billboard who were at an unhealthy overweight. But were they really unhealthy or do we just see them as overweight because the ideal bodyweight is actually underweight that society thinks should be the norm. Photoshop has become a natural everyday occurrence for some females. Instagram has filters to make yourself look better than you really are. It hides your flaws in a simpler way. Who knows, maybe in a few years we will have a “slimming down” application on our phones before we post to Instagram of

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