Media Influence On Race And Culture

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This paper explains how the media affect our everyday lives, especially, with race and culture. The paper uncovers the many different ways that an unsafe outlet( social media) can affect millions of people . It also goes in the depth on how people become invested in the media once they have seen it. The author talks about how people view the world after seeing so many different kinds of stories both true and false have been told. It also explains how people are so influenced by what they see. It further explains why people should do their best to focus on the true in the thing they find out instead of the lie that goes along with everything they believe. The dangers of unreliable media can be very scary to the target of the false information, …show more content…

This is the definition that in school, they teach children to avoid. This is the kind of racism that we learn is not the way to treat people in most places. Yes, there are people who don't follow those guidelines and respect basic human rights,but, they are sumed up to be bigots or racists. It's a quite clear and easy way to point out ' bad people' in the country. What many people forget to realize is discrimination and prejudice are also forms of racism. Merriam webster's( 1828) second and third definition for racism is " 2: a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles b: a political or social system founded on racism 3: racial prejudice or discrimination"(def 2,3). These to definition describe racism in a more modern form. Yes, the first definition is true and it continues to happen to this day ,but, it's something that people do blatantly. The second and third definitions are harder to prove than the first definitions because of it something that is not pointed out all the time. There are so many different forms of racism that affect all races and it's systematically a part of the way things run. One of the biggest contributors to this is media. The media …show more content…

It has a major part in our lives. From the moment we are born, like a picture on Facebook, or to the day we die, when you are able to find obituaries in the newspaper, media is everywhere. So it's only natural for the media to seep into the education system. John Seely Brown (2000) does an amazing job at going further into this ideology say that " It has to do with abilities to find something an object, tool, The document, a piece of code and to use it to build something you deem important. " (pg14) Both authors understand that the media is here to stay and that it's important to use the right kind of medias to help successfully education the next

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