The Role of Media in Globalization Process

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The role of media in globalization process Nowadays mass media plays a key role in extension of globalization process. The media components such as television, Internet, computers etc. are considered to have a paramount influence on globalization. Also because of globalization process today there is an increased access to a broad range of media, which plays a very important role in shaping human minds and has an immense impact on our society’s personal lives. Thus these two equally important processes interact with each other and provide mutual assistance in the expansion of the sphere of influence. Before the press media had come into picture people used to communicate by writing letters and sending them to direct mails. The appearance of press media came as an informational revolution. This early press media became a source of information, promotion and projection. It was specialized in diverse spheres and was focused on all the issues concerning daily lives and well beings. Press educates people about international happenings, entertainment, political and sports events. After the press media radio and television had been discovered, which lead us to a different kind of revolution. Now people could not only read but also hear and see the news. A recent poll states that about 59% of America’s population obtains the world news on television out of which 37% is through cable and 22%through broadcast. As mention in the site (Media Use Statistics) Radio is one of the easiest and cheapest media sources. The giant advantage of radio as a part of globalization process is that it can be understood by even illiterate people and can be served to a larger number of people. Moreover it is accessible to the people who l... ... middle of paper ... diversity, impeding real competition, forcing smaller players out of the market, and contributing to reinforce conservative views of the world, marginalizing dissent or content that does not generate profit or which is seen as challenging to capitalist values. Although the media industries are not exclusively American anymore, but are largely owned by various Western corporations (Japanese, German, British, American). To sum it up, in my opinion mass media in process of globalization has definitely got a lot of positive and negative aspects, but however the advantages are way more and therefore there is a remarkable progress in development in all-economic, social, political, cultural and traditional aspects. Moreover it is grateful to say that the world as a global village has come to stay and mass media have played special role in this.

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