Media Censorship In America

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The coverage of news can be displayed in different forms and in the United States there are certain factors that go under the radar. There is a factor that goes unsaid which is censorship “There is no formal censorship in the USA, but there is what some call “Market Censorship” — that is, mainstream media do not want to run stories that will offend their advertisers and owners” (Shah). Media has blown up with the introduction of the internet since there is anonymity. There is also the frames used in the public and how they impact viewers “Episodic framing highlights some problems of the poor but typically does not link their personal situations [and] concerns to such larger societal problems as limited educational opportunities, high rates …show more content…

There are still many factors in journalism and media that need to be rectified “Rather than providing a meaningful analysis of inequality and showing realistic portrayals of life in various social classes, the media either play class differences for laughs or sweep the issue of class under the rug so that important distinctions are rendered invisible” (Kendall 314) however there is no need to lose hope in journalism all together since there are those who are willing to risk their life to inform such as Edward Snowden. There are journalist can improve “Journalists engaged in public listening would be less interested in getting “superficial quotes or sound bites” and instead would move more deeply into the conversations that are actually taking place” (Kendall 328) as long as journalist have a proactive and honest take on news there should be no negative disregard from the public. Throughout the years there has been several large scale murder cases and terrorist attacks on US soil but we have been able to maintain together in this nation with all of the inconsistencies present. We are able to unite in tragedy and stay optimistic so through the rough patches one must stay unfazed. The United States has not fallen through all of the tragedies such as 9/11, Massacres either at a school or a movie theater and natural disasters such as Hurricane

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