Media Article: Summary Of Racial Biased By Michael Brown

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Summary of Media Article In his media article, Leland Ware declares that white police officers are more likely to shoot suspects of African American descent due to racial biases. He shares the story of Michael Brown, a Black man, who was shot by Darren Wilson, a White police officer. It was found that Mr. Brown was unarmed when the police officer shot him. There was no evidence supporting the officer’s actions. The author explains that the reason the officer shot Brown was his unconscious racial prejudice. Through his writing Ware speaks to people of all ethnicities by addressing a racial issue. To support his outlook, the author provides evidence from research studies. He mentions that several studies have concluded that Blacks are four times as …show more content…

Their focus was how likely these minorities were to be shot by police officers. They did this by conducting two different experiments. In the first study, two sets of participants were used. The first set included males of different ethnic backgrounds whose pictures were used as targets in the experiment. The second set of participants was a group of sixty-nine mostly White male students who would actively participate in the study. The experimenters used a computer simulation called a first person shooter test (FPS) that showed the picture of a target on the screen for 0.85 seconds. The men in the picture held one of the following objects: a wallet, a cellphone, a soda can, or a gun. The experimenters instructed the students to shoot the pictures of the targets who were armed. The end results revealed that participants were quicker to shoot Black targets who were armed than armed White, Latino, or Asian targets. Conversely, participants were slower to shoot Black targets who were unarmed than unarmed White, Latino, or Asian

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