Meat Persuasive Speech

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Most Australians enjoy a snag from the barbie, or a Parma from the local pub, but do you know how bad meat and animal products can be for your overall health and the environment? World meat free day was first introduced in 2015 by the United Nations, however has been present in the media during June 2017, where the topic arose of “should Australia be encouraging more meat free days?”. The organisation aims to raise awareness of the impact meat production has on the world, and pledges individuals to skip consuming meat for just one day. Today I hope to change at least one of your opinions on the consumption of meat, and hopefully limit the amount of meat consumed by the population of this classroom. Today, I will be discussing the benefits of reducing meat consumption on individuals, the environment and the animals. I will also be including alternatives to meat and discussing trends seen in the past year with meat consumption.

Most people have the misconception that all vegetarians and …show more content…

Studies have shown that when people go plant based, their cholesterol levels decrease by up to 35%. Saturated fat is found in majority of animal products, which can then further lead to diseases such as diabetes and cancer. But how will I get major nutrients needed to survive? You may ask. Well, there are many healthy alternatives and meat replacements. Tofu, tempeh and even vegetarian chicken nuggets and sausages are great to add to any meal. Vitamin B12 which is normally found in meat, can also be found in dairy products, soy drinks and almonds. Protein can be widely accessed through legumes, lentils, seeds and wholegrains. Iron can be found in green leafy vegetables, beans and many other yummy plant based foods. Whole grains contain highly protective factors against type 2 diabetes and it has been proven that vegetarians were 12% less likely to die a premature death then meat-eaters. Just some food for

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