Meaning Of Motivation And Motivation

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Motivation Definition: it is the process that allows individuals to pay and move through certain motives toward a particular behavior or make certain efforts in order to achieve the goal Elements of the stimulus Motivation: motivation that drives the individual to conduct or a particular direction, and on the condition that it be able to stimulus The catalyst: a person who is the process of stimulation, be familiar with the needs of others and is capable of stimulation, and the presence of the goal brought to the individuals, to be has sufficient experience The catalyst: A person who was paid to do a certain behavior requires it - Capacity: A person qualified and capable, which can improve performance is - Desire: to reach the target and realized ' The second topic: the incentives and their importance Incentives Definition: is a group material and moral means available to satisfy the needs of the physical, moral and desires of individuals Also known as: the means and external factors that satisfy the needs of the worker and directed his behavior in …show more content…

And moral incentives is that satisfy a need or more of the social needs or self of the individual worker, such as the need to estimate or social acceptance, and moral incentives can incentives be positive spirits, and meant everything consequent patches morale of individuals, such as briefings and Entertainment. And incentives can be significantly negative, and are all the consequent deter careless or negligent, such as censure and reprimand, and so on. And it must be used together in a balanced

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