Mckee Brothers: A Short Story

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The four McKee brothers were going camping. When they got to the campsite the two youngest, Mike and Jason, were responsible for setting up the tents and the two oldest, Luke and Aaron, were responsible for setting up the rest. Once they were done, they decided to go on a hike through the forest. An hour through the hike they came upon a old abandoned looking house. Aaron came up to the door and knot. No one answer so Aaron opened the door slowly and yelled “Hello anybody here!” and again no one answered. They split into groups, with Luke and Mike take the upstairs and Aaron and Jason took the main level. They took a few minutes to look around but found nothing. As Aaron and Jason were about to head up stair they saw Mike running down and outside around the corner they try to follow be couldn’t. They yelled and yelled for Mike but no answer. They looped back to the house. They heard footsteps upstairs and thought it was Luke. As Aaron and Jason were heading upstairs they saw blood on the floor and it was fresh blood they followed the blood trail till the blood went under a door the look at …show more content…

As they were looking at the heads, the door slams shut and the door was locked, Aaron tries to open the door Jason jumps out the window and he yells for Aaron. Aaron jumps out and started to run Jason follow. It was hours before they got to the road. They started to walk the road saying nothing the entire time. A car passed them and stop Jason got in the passenger side and Aaron got in the back. The man asked where they were going Jason told the man the story of what happened. As Jason got done telling the man of what happened, Aaron happened to notice a knife, but before he could do or say anything the man grab the knife and stab Jason 5 times before Aaron was able to get out of the car and start to run through the

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